1st Andy Henwood, Sean Deady, John Roche – 72 Pts 2nd Franbk Maher, Sean O Connor, Tom Collins – 66 Pts 3rd Donal McSweeney, Peter Butler,John P Collins – 65 PTs Congrats to Anton Noonan for a hole in one at the 2nd hole
1st Anthony Fitzgerald, Paddy O Kelly,Mick Walsh 70 Pts 2nd PAt Gilbourne, Sean O Connor, Ger Madigan, Kevin Cagney – 69 Pts 3rd Con Daly, Donal McSweeney, Peter Butler, John P Collins 68 Pts C/B
1st Michael Bowles, Mark Cagney & Margaret Cashman 35 1/9 2nd Michael Fitzgerald, Eoin O’ Keeffe & Tony Ryan 36 4/9 Best Ladies Team Imelda O’ Hanlon, Phil Curtin & Helen Cronin 40 4/9 Fixtures 12 Holes Singles Friday 10th – Sunday 12th 2/3 of 18 hole course handicap.= shots received.