





Winner   Jack McCarthy (8)             38 Pts

2nd           Jim McCourt (12)                37 Pts


CSS 34pts

13th September 2016

Open Singles Sept 13th 2016

  CHARLEVILLE GOLF CLUB  18 HOLES OPEN SINGLES STABLEFORD  TUESDAY 13th SEPTEMBER    Winner   Jack McCarthy (8)             38 Pts 2nd           Jim McCourt (12)                37 Pts   CSS 34pts
13th September 2016

Golfer of the Year Event

We are at the final event of the golfer of the year event. The O’Connor Cup which will be played for this weekend. This cup was presented to the club by Mr Pat O’Connor / Fr Joe O’Connor and was first competed for in the late 1940’s. P.J. (Pat) was elected Captain in 1949 and also served as Hon Treasurer […]
12th September 2016

Lady Vice Presidents Prize

Important Dates for your Diaries Mark in Friday September 30th, Saturday 1st and  Sunday 2nd October when popular Vice President Maria Browne who will be holding her Prize The Competition is an 18 Holes Open Champagne Scramble. Teams of 3 any combination The format is 3 Drives. One score to count at 15 holes and all three scores to count at holes […]
11th September 2016

Mr Jonathan O’Brien Junior Captain’s Prize

MR JONATHAN O’BRIEN’S JUNIOR CAPTAIN’S PRIZE 18 HOLES SINGLES STABLEFORD SATURDAY 10th SEPTEMBER Winner               Jack Twomey (28)                       39 Pts  CB 2nd                       Jordan Boles (6)                            39 Pts  Gross               Cathal O’Carroll (6)                       31 Pts Cat A Winner     Harry Duignan (12)                   36 Pts Cat B Winner     Cathal Bowles (27)                   33 Pts Best 28 H/C     Charlie Duignan                          27 […]
11th September 2016

Adult & Junior competition

THE GERRY McCARTHY ADULT & JUNIOR PERPETUAL CUP SUNDAY 11th SEPTEMBER WINNERS               Cathal O’Carroll (6) Stephen Moloney (10)           46 2nd                             David Fitzgerald (10) Anthony Fitzgerald (9)         49 .25 GROSS                     Jonathan O’Brien (5) Michael Bowles (10)             54 H/C     0  –  12          Kevin O’Donovan (12) Mark Cagney (5)                  50.25 H/C   13 – 18          Conor Buckley (16) John Chawke (15)                      52.25 H/C   […]
11th September 2016

Roche Shield

THE ROCHE SHIELD FRI / SAT / SUN 9TH / 10TH / 11TH SEPTEMBER   1st Michael Bowles(10) Mark Cagney(7)  Danny Deady(14) Trevor Barry(14)                   93 Pts 2ND Michael Bowles(10) Alan O’Brien (11)  Eoin Coughlan(12) Ciaran Herlihy(12)          92 Pts CB