
Charleville Golf Club

President’s Note to Members

At last , that ray of sunshine and hope arrived to us in all its glory on Monday 26th April. It was wonderful to see cars in the carpark and players on the course once again.It was a day of joyful anticipation for all golfers in Ireland.and none more so, than for our very own members who were eager to hit the small ball once again and view the great works which have taken place on the course during lockdown. There has been great feedback and a very positive appreciation from members so far who have played the course since opening. Immence credit is due to all involved and hopefully everyone will continue to enjoy and appreciate their enormous input into the completed works on the course to date. Lockdown served as an opportunistic timeframe to carry out the improvements uninterrupted which otherwise would have taken so much longer to achieve.

Having received the Club Resilience Grant of 20K from Sport Ireland recently, it is enabling us to do further works both on the course and to the clubhouse as follows:

New signage for the course ie: Sloped distance signage, Directional, Danger, Caution, Speed Limits, Driving range flags & mats, Tee Markers, Distance Posts & Fairway markers etc are currently being worked on to further enhance the aesthetics of the course.

In the Clubhouse, all of the radiators in the bar & restaurant as well as in the toilets area next to the restaurant are being replaced and this work is scheduled to commence on 10th May. The wall seating in the bar |& part of the restaurant is being re-upholstered and this combined project should hopefully be completed by end of May.

Separately, the shoots and drains have all been cleaned and all the exterior of the Clubhouse & Annex has been powerwashed in preparation for painting in due course.
Various repairs to cladding and the patio slabs has been done.The shubbery by roadway and Clubhouse has all been trimmed back and a new sign erected. Efforts to tackle the overgrowth behind the pro shop is being worked on. Ladies have painted whats left of our outdoor seating and maintain the flowers etc. Four beautiful flower pots were donated.

Volunteers played a huge part in all of the works to the course and clubhouse surrounds to date. Their generosity and assistance has been truly exemplary and for this we are ever so grateful. A huge thanks to all who manned the office voluntarily for membership payments etc and to our Hon Secretary who played a blinder during lockdown.

The office has reopened,office hours are currently 9.30am – 2.30pm Monday to Friday.

Finally, I wish you all enjoyable golf and abiding by the Covid rules will be of utmost importance for all of us. Lets continue to play our part in keeping safe and well.

Helen O’Mahony

30th April 2021

President’s Note to Members 30th April 2021

Charleville Golf Club President’s Note to Members At last , that ray of sunshine and hope arrived to us in all its glory on Monday 26th April. It was wonderful to see cars in the carpark and players on the course once again.It was a day of joyful anticipation for all golfers in Ireland.and none more so, than for our […]
19th April 2021

Golf Club Re-Opening Monday 26th April 2021

Charleville Golf Club   The golf course will re-open on Monday 26th April.Online booking will open on Wednesday 21st April at 9am. Play is permitted for Members Only and will be for casual golf. A maximum of two households are allowed to participate in time slots.If two households take up only 2 or 3 slots please use the Guest tab […]
1st March 2021

Subscriptions 2021

Charleville Golf Club Just a reminder about paying your membership subscription for 2021, the office will be manned by volunteers on Mondays,Tuesdays,Thursdays & Fridays from 10am to 2pm – phone 063 81257 ext 1. You can pay by credit/debit card by ringing the office during these times, if no one available leave a message and you will be contacted. If […]
10th February 2021

Request From Golf Ireland Munster Region 10 Feb 2021

Golf Ireland Munster Region The Golf Ireland Munster Regional Executive Committee seeks Expressions of Interest from members of affiliated clubs in Munster to assist it in filling the five Sub Committees of the region and to develop an extended Volunteers Panel to support the work of these committees. We would like to seek the assistance of Clubs in promoting this […]
27th January 2021

Message From The President ( Helen O’Mahony)

Charleville Golf Club Hoping you have all settled into 2021 with some hope and enthusiasm for a better and brighter year ahead, than the one we have left behind us. How life and the way we live and interact with each other has changed so dramatically for all of us in such a short space of time, because of an […]
31st December 2020

Level 5 Restrictions From Midnight – 30th December 2020

Charleville Golf Club Update from Golf Ireland December 30th 2020 We note with regret that the Irish Government have reinstated the original Level 5 restrictions, which confirms the closure of golf courses along with all other sporting facilities in the Republic of Ireland. The Department of Sport have confirmed to us that the restriction on golf and other sports will […]