Ladies Results

22nd July 2018

Sunday 22nd July 2018 Jerry Molyneaux

 Charleville Golf Club Sat/Sun  21st/22nd July Jerry Molyneaux Memorial Weekend Team Of 3 (Open) 1stMark Cagney (7) John Wolfe (16) Margaret Cashman (22)                   70pts 2ndTim McAuliffe (11) Tom Weekes (18) Ann Weekes (25)                       67pts 3rd Denis McCoy (16) Declan Danagher (16) William […]
19th July 2018

Ladies Open 3 Ball Rumble – Thursday 19th July 2018

Ladies Open 3 Ball Rumble Thursday 19th July 2018 1st     Kay Cagney (36)  Catherine Morrissey (40)  Mary Buicke (30)           88pts  2nd    Ber Clarson (5)  Valerie O’ Keeffe (24)  Brid Clarson (32)                   87pts  3rd     Mary Cagney (33)  Tess O’ Brien (26)  Mary Donegan (33)                 86pts
16th July 2018

Young at Heart

1st Brid Clarson   (32)   26 pts 2nd Siobhan O’Kelly    (27)    25 pts
12th July 2018

Ladies Singles S/F – Thursday 12th July 2018

Ladies 18 Hole Singles Stableford Thursday 12th July 2018 1st         Mary Cagney (35)          41pts c/b 2nd       Aine McMahon (27)      41pts 3rd        Siobhan Bowles (26)     37pts
10th July 2018

Mixed Scramble 9th July 2018

1st John O’Keeffe   (13) Josephine Moloney   (31) Anton Noonan    (18)      37.8 2nd Anthony Fitzgerald     (8) Geraldine Dollery   (23) Frank Curtin   (20)    39.9 3rd Thomas Fitzgibbon   (5) Mike Donegan   (21) John Madigan  (18)   40.6
10th July 2018

Lady Captains Prize

Joan Dore’s Lady Captains prize was held on Saturday 7th July. Over sixty ladies played in the competition including visitors and beginners. This was a fantastic turnout for our hard working and very popular Lady Captain. The weather was sunny and hot on the day, the course was in great condition and we were treated to a refreshing fruit salad […]